Development of Hood Structure to Reduce the Micro-Pressure Waves at the Exit of High-Speed Railway Tunnel
Overview of Research
TitleDevelopment of Technology to Improve Structural Stability and Construction Workability of the 250km/h Grade 2nd Generation Hood Structure
Type of Participation Collaborative Research Agency
Chief of Research Hye-won Lee
Support Organization Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
Period of Research & Development Apr.1st.2017. ~ Jun.30th. 2020.
Supervisory Research Agency : Korea Railroad Research Institute
Title : Development of Aerodynamic Hood System to Reduce the Micro-Pressure Waves at the Exit of High-Speed Railway Tunnel(Under 250km/h)
Background and Purpose
- When a high speed train enters a tunnel, pressure wave is created and propagated toward the other end of the tunnel with the speed of sound.
- Some of the pressure waves radiate outward from the tunnel portals as the form of sound/vibration, which is called sonic-boom and causing the explosive noise and severe low-frequency vibration to the residential area nearby the tunnel.
Distinction between prior and present technologies

Contents of Research
Tunnel Hood Structure to Reduce the Micro-Pressure Waves at the
5th tunnel in Osong complex test track
- Procurement of hood structure drawings and design technique.
- Development of a hood structure construction method for a railroad under loading.
- Development of manual for production and operation of hood structures.
- Application of a reinforced built-up beam system
- Test and evaluation of trial hood structure installation and their structural stability
(Location : 5th tunnel in Osong complex test track)